Friday, October 31, 2008


savanah {cape york}

Wet seasons are hot and humid with maximum temperatures around 33–36ºC in January. This region during the wet season is one of the darkest of the savannas, even though there is an average of seven to eight hours of sunshine each day. Rainfall moves from around an annual average of 800 mm (8cm)in the south to a huge 24cm in the north. Dry-season rainfall can be chained with the moist trade winds being uplifted over the coast. Temperatures moderate in the dry with July average minimums dropping to 21ºC in the north and 15ºC in the southern inland areas.


This region covers Cape York city in far north Queensland. It has sick natural landscapes and Aboriginal communities as well as a large mine at Weipa. It covers an area of 115,000 square kilometres and has a relatively large area set aside for conservation. Pastoralism however is the dominant land use.
As shown down herepastoralism (white) is the dominant land use throughout the region, however there are significant areas of nature conservation (brown), Aboriginal land use (tan) and forestry (green).

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